Dolphin Class

Dolphin Class

Helpful information for parents

PE for Dolphins is on a Monday. Please ensure your child comes to school wearing the correct PE kit on this day.

Homework books need to be returned to school on a Monday. They will then be marked and sent home again on Wednesdays. Spellings will also be tested on a Monday.

How parents can help at home

There are many ways you can support your child at home. Here are some suggestions about how you could help:

  • Encourage your child to talk about what they have learnt at school.
  • Link learning to real life experiences - for example if your child is struggling with addition try using coins to help them. Research has shown that a child will be more successful in their learning if they can make links to real life and it helps them see the value!
  • Listen to your child reading – Please try to read on a daily basis with your child and ask them questions about what they have read.
  • Encourage your child to practice and learn their spellings– discuss spelling patterns or rules.
  • Talk about your child’s homework – discuss the work and ask your child to explain it to you.
  • Get your child to login to TTRS or Numbots at home to improve their number fluency!

Useful Documents

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Hello and welcome to Dolphin Class!

In Dolphin Class, we try our best, we learn from our mistakes, we respect each other, we work as a team and we celebrate each other's successes. The adults in Dolphin Class want the children to imagine the possibilities and be anything that they set their mind to. They make us proud everyday by their eagerness to learn and their determination to succeed.

What we're learning

This half-term, we are learning:

Maths- Place Value

English- Warning Tales

Science- Light

PSHE- Strengths and Challenges

History- Stone Age to Iron Age

Art- Viewpoints

RE- What Jesus taught and how he lived

PE- Dance

Adults in our class

Class Lead

Miss Buchanan

Support staff

Mrs Hilton

Our class rules and rewards


  • Keep hands, feet and objects to ourselves
  • Use positive language
  • Follow instructions


  • Dojo points
  • Achiever of the week
  • Stickers
  • Notes home
  • Positive phone calls home
  • Special mentions in assembly
  • Whole class rewards