
Our Local School Committee

Our Local School Committee are volunteers, parents, staff and Trust Governors who know the school and its values and ethos well. They are responsible for maintaining and improving the standard of achievement of pupils and the conduct of the school, and do this by providing support and challenge to the Headteacher. The role is that of a critical friend and will always act in the best interests of all pupils at the school.

Swillington Primary School converted into Academy status in 2016, alongside some of our Trust partner schools, supported by our own Multi-Academy Trust – The Brigshaw Learning Partnership (BLP). Please visit the Brigshaw Learning Partnership website to find out about the Board of Directors and view the Trust’s Governance and Financial information. The BLP Board, which is responsible for all of our schools, contains representatives from across our community, as well as very experienced and skilled people who share our values.

How our Local Governors are appointed

Parent Governors are elected by the parents of pupils in school

Community/Trust Appointed Governors are appointed by the Brigshaw Learning Partnership

Staff Governors are elected by the staff of the school

Associate Members are appointed by the Local School Committee and work in an advisory capacity. Associate Members have no voting rights

The Headteacher holds an ex-officio position

Local School Committee Governors

Mrs Katie Kielty - Chair of Governors

Term of office: 03/09/2022 – 03/09/2026

Appointed By: Governing Body / Trust Board

Special Responsibilities: Safeguarding, English

Contact Address: Mrs K Kielty, Chair of Governors, Swillington Primary School, Church Lane, Leeds LS26 8DX

Mr Mark Cahill
Term of office: 01/09/2020
Appointed By: Ex-Officio by Virtue of office as Headteacher
Contact Address: Mark Cahill, Headteacher, Swillington Primary School, Church Lane,
Leeds LS26 8DX

Ms Hannah McEvoy
Term of office: 01/12/2017 – 01/12/2025
Appointed By: Elected by School Staff

Ms Miriam Watson-Pratt
Term of office: 01/12/2015 – 01/02/2027
Appointed By: Governing Body / Trust Board
Special Responsibilities: Race Equality and Special Educational Needs
Class Link: Year 3

Miss Julie Smith
Term of office: 15/07/2023 – 15/07/2027
Appointed By: Elected by Parents
Special Responsibilities: Parent Governor

To contact our Governors, please email and mark for their attention or telephone 0113 286 3220

Historic Governors

Mr Phil Cook 26/05/2010 – 09/07/2024

Mr David Unsworth 20/02/2018 – 09/07/2024

Miss Nadine Steadman 05/10/2021 – 01/09/2023

Mrs Maria Milner 01/09/2016 – 01/09/2023

Mrs Melissa Bentley 01/01/2019 – 01/07/2023

All Governors (except the Headteacher and Head of School) are elected for a period of 4 years. They meet at least 5 times per academic year to receive reports on the management of the school, curriculum development, premises, health and safety and staffing issues. They are also responsible for ensuring the school is improving in line with the priorities in the School Development Plan.

The Governors make available to parents an annual report to inform them about the progress of the school and provide the opportunity to raise any issues with the Governors.

Through the Local School Committee, there are links with the Board of Directors of the Brigshaw Learning Partnership.

Please follow this link to view our governors at Swillington Primary School.

Meetings 2023-24

Local School Committee Meetings

  • Monday 2nd October 2023
  • Thursday 30th November 2023
  • Tuesday 19th March 2024
  • Tuesday 9th July 2024

Challenge Days

  • Friday 26th January 2024
  • Friday 26th April 2024