Elephant Class

Elephant Class

Helpful information for parents

PE for Elephants is Friday. Please ensure your child comes into school wearing their PE kit on this day. It is important that your child does not come to school wearing jewellery or earrings on this day as they will not be able to participate.

Reading books and homework books are requested to be in school on Wednesdayso they can be checked and changed ready to be returned on Friday. Please ensure you read with your child at home and leave a comment/signature in their reading record.

Ensure the 2, 5 and 10 times tables are practised regularly. Use TTRS or Topmarks to add some fun to learning!

How parents can help at home

There are many ways you can support your child at home. Here are some suggestions about how you could help:

• Encourage your child to talk about what they have learnt at school.

• Link learning to real life experiences - encourage them to write shopping lists, read signs around the environment, count out money, identify how much change would be given etc.

• Listen to your child reading – Please try to read on a daily basis with your child and ask them questions about what they have read to build their comprehension.

• Encourage your child to practise and learn their spellings – discuss spelling patterns or rules.

• Talk about your child’s homework – discuss the work and ask your child to explain it to you.

You may find some of these websites useful to support your child:

  • www.ictgames.com
  • www.coolmathgames.com

Hello and welcome to Elephant Class!

Elephants live in the Northern hemisphere. In Elephant class, we are; kind, helpful, friendly and caring towards others. We are each unique and together we celebrate our strengths and support each other in any way that we can because we are all part of one amazing community. In our class, Elephants demonstrate a growth mindset as they are active independent learners who enjoy learning and never give up on challenges when something is tricky - if we try, we can succeed!

What we're learning

In Summer 1 we will be learning:

In Reading we will be exploring the books George's Marvelous Medicine and Counting on Katherine by reading as a whole class followed by some detailed discussions.

In English we will be looking at a Journey Tale and a Wishing Tale by following the Talk for Writing scheme.

In Maths we will be broadening our knowledge of Fractions, Time, Statistics and Position and Direction.

In PSHE we will continue to look at the Boys and Girls and Families topic while discovering more about the differences between Males and Females.

In Science we will start to explore how seeds/bulbs grow and understand what plants need to grow and stay healthy.

In History we will find out about a range of different people who have made a difference in the world.

In Geography we will continue to look at Kenya and discover new places around the world.

In Art and Design we will be making sculptures out of clay.

In Design and Technology we will be focusing on cooking, nutrition and a balanced diet by making wraps.

In PE we will enjoy some athletics and playing rounders.

In RE we will develop our knowledge around how we can look after our planet.

In Computing we will develop our knowledge of effective searching.

In Spanish we will continue to discover different colours and answering in Spanish during the register.

Adults in our class

Class Lead

Mr Hodgson

Support staff

Mrs Gill

Our class rules and rewards

In the Elephant class, we follow the Golden Rules of Swillington Primary School:

  • Be ready
  • Be respectful
  • Be safe

Elephants show they are ready for learning by showing me STAR Learning! To show STAR, they must be:

S = Sitting up straight with feet on the floor

T = Tracking the speaker

A = Ask and answer questions

R = Respect at all times

Elephants class rewards include: dojo points, table points, whole class reward time, certificates, post cards or notes home, star achiever of the week and term, special mentions in assembly, phone call/ Dojo message to parents and visiting Mr Cahill for a headteachers sticker.